The Gospel Hiway KGHY is a listener supported radio station. Glad you want to be in touch! We’d love to hear from you. We are available to you for your comments, requests or assistance. Please use the resources below to reach us: If you need immediate assistance and your question is time sensitive, please refer to the phone numbers below. We look forward to serving you in any way we can at The Gospel Hiway KGHY! • General Info, Donations and Prayer Requests: 409-299-3339 or 888-47-SHARE (888-477-4273) • Comment Line: 409-299-3339 • Contest Line: 409-299-3339 Prefer to send an email? Fill out the form below. You should expect a response in 1-2 business days. If you’d like to send mail, our address down below. BTW! KGHY always keeps your contact info confidential and never shares, sells or rents it to anyone. Our privacy policy will tell you more. Mail Please Send Donations and Mail to: KGHY 88.5fm PO Box 22602 Beaumont, Texas 77720
Let our Prayer Team Pray for You
February Financial Report
Monthly Need - $10,800.00
Monthly Received - $4,504.00
Deficit - $ 6,296.00
updated 2/14/2025
updated weekly
KGHY Radio
PO Box 22602
Beaumont, Texas 77720
Studio Line