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Sharathon is coming up soon, begining on Tuesday, October 22nd through Thursday, October 24th 2024.
This fundraising event is an open door for you and any others to join in with us on what God is doing through the ministry of KGHY Radio!
So would you pray with us about all that goes into a Sharathon event like this? We know that prayer is VITAL to the success of everything we do here.


Here’s a few ideas of things you can be praying over:


  • Pray that God would reach the hearts of those who are searching

  • Pray over the volunteers that they would be blessed for their service

  • Pray over the all the technical equipment that it may keep running strong

  • Pray over all the on-air staff and KGHY volunteers that they would be healthy and rested

  • Pray that God use Sharathon for HIS glory and everyone who listens is blessed

  • Pray that God would provide for the needs of this radio ministry as He has always done


Please give us below your first name and city/town you live in so we will know who is part of our prayer team.

Thank You for Praying!

Is this Anonymous?

We are NOW Praying for You

Let our Prayer Team Pray for You
January Financial Report

Monthly Need - $10,800.00
Monthly Received - $3,236.00

Deficit - $ 7,564.00

updated 1/11/2025
updated weekly


KGHY Radio

PO Box 22602

Beaumont, Texas 77720

Studio Line



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